I did an installation + performance called "Borderline Precious". It was my reaction towards how the festive season is celebrated across borders and how each culture, tradition and religion redefines Christmas to suit their beliefs.

Jam on the other hand, did a three piece work called iBuddha and iJesus, made on his ipad.

Mike Mahalo, a British artist, tackled the rapid commercialization of the holiday season and entitled his digital art piece "Chri$tma$".

Cambodian artist Savann Oun made a three dimensional piece made of mesh wire, a painting on a woven mat, candles and mosquito coils to depict "Christmas garbage", seeing how people would celebrate the holidays for months and end up with a pile of trash. His piece is a reaction as a Buddhist to an otherwise Christian celebration.

The main objective of the Art Battle is to resuscitate a dark, neglected part of the Alley West and turn it into a street gallery for the public. Another Art Battle is scheduled next month but with a different set of mechanics.
To vote for your favorite piece, please go to www.facebook.com/artdeli and click on "like" corresponding to the photos of the pieces that you love.
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