If you were a city, what would you be?
If there is a place that best represents your ideals, your aspirations, your personality, your deepest thoughts and longings, which place would reveal your true self?
For my wife, she can only be Singapore...

Asked why, of all the places on earth she's been to would she choose Singapore, a tiny island state which was a bastion of British trade in the colonial days, her definition is simple - she loves ORDER.

Like the city, my wife is a neat and a control freak. The kind of person who color codes all her reports in post-its, who arranges CDs alphabetically and zones things in any way imaginable.
Everytime I drive through Changi Airport to the city itself, I am amazed how even the bougainvilleas on the plantboxes by the freeway look like they have been ordered by the government to exude the same shade of pinkish purple that is almost crazily the same everywhere. The streets, the subways, the signs... they are all pristinely accurate, planned and placed to a tee as if they know the answers before you even ask for directions!

An amalgam of the west and the east, the past and the present, Singapore is a city of contrasts, of parodies, of ironies, of yin and yang colliding in a beautiful frenzy.
A perfect representation of my wife. Ask her what she wants for Christmas and you'll lose your mind.

Always hot, sexy and voluptouos, but that warmth she exudes is her biggest draw...

Her personailty is as colorful as a peacock gracefully hopping on the beaches of Sentosa...

A beacon of a hundred lights, Singapore and my wife can light up a path in the darkest corners of life's chapters...

She is very cosmopolitan... a city who is moving forward in every direction and urbanizes faster than our credit card can catch. Coincidentally, shopping is also the national past time of Singapore, which is also the full time profession of my wife.

Glitzy, boisterous, flashy and opulent, Singapore snags herself like a woman who has reached a certain level of sophistication that not everyone can understand but everyone wants to become...

Ruled by rules, controlled by controls... best of all, Singapore is such a "fine" city...